Compact Storage is a separate area with randomly assigned call numbers designed to store the largest amount of books in the smallest possible space. It is used primarily to store infrequently used material or to protect vulnerable material from unnecessary handling.
If an item you want says it is in "Locked Compact Storage," you will have to request the item. To do this:
- Underneath the record, click on "Availability and Request Options" and then the "Request Item" link
- Choose your pickup location and click submit
As long as you are logged in to Search It, it will automatically send you an email when it is available, and you will pick it up at your preferred pick-up location. It takes 1-2 days to get this item for you. Please note that all VHS tapes are now in locked compact storage. See the screenshot below for an example.
Both the Holland and Terrell Libraries and the Owen Science and Engineering Library have Compact Storage areas. Items with a general compact storage number (not locked) in Terrell Library can be accessed by anyone. These items are behind the Dewey books in the basement floor. Contact the appropriate Circulation desk for help in accessing materials from these collections.

Open compact storage is located in the basement of Terrell (bottom left of the map):