All material checked out from the WSU Libraries can be returned at any WSU campus library. On the Pullman campus, all-hours book return slots are available at all campus libraries. Please return Course Reserves and Laptops to the library you borrowed them from.
To return by mail, university students and employees may fill out this form to request a mailing label.

At Holland and Terrell Library, the book return slot is directly to the left of the front doors. |
At the Owen Science and Engineering Library, the book return slot is located to the right of the front doors, in the middle of the front wall. |
WSU Health Sciences Library | WSU Spokane
The all-hours book drop is located at the northwest entrance of the Academic Center building. WSU Spokane affiliates can also enter the building at any time and return material to the book return slot located to the right of the main library entrance on the second floor.
WSU Vancouver Library
The all-hours book return slot is located to the right of the exterior main entrance doors of the library building, built into the brickwork.
WSU Tricities Library
The drive-up, all-hours book drop is on the curb of the sidewalk in front of the Consolidated Information Center (2770 Crimson Way) next to Benton County's Voter Ballot Drop Box.
Summit Loans returns
Summit loans may be returned at any Summit library. See here for Summit libraries in your area.