
How do I request a physical item? (such as books or DVDs)

Answered By: Jen Saulnier Lange
Last Updated: Mar 29, 2024     Views: 873

  1. Find the item in Search It
  2. Click on the link to sign in, using your WSU Network ID and password
  3. A request option will appear in either the 'Availability and Request Options' or 'Get it from another library' box. Click request, choose your pickup location, and submit! (Global Campus students should choose "WSU Global Campus Delivery")
  4. You’ll get an email when your book is ready to pick up.
  5. Pick up your book from the circulation desk at your chosen pickup destination.


To see the physical item request process in action, take a look at this video:

For more information on requesting journal articles, please visit How do I find and request a journal article?

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