
How do I find course reserves?

Answered By: Jen Saulnier Lange
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2024     Views: 253

Course reserves may be available electronically (found through a link on the Canvas page for your course) or physically in the library.

How to search for physical Course Reserves

Reserve items can be found using Search It.  Start by changing the dropdown on the right to “reserves.” Search by exact course code (such as MUS 266), book title, or instructor last name. In the search results underneath the title and author, you will see the book's location and whether or not it is currently available for checkout.


Where to find Course Reserves

Physical reserves are kept behind the circulation desks at Holland and Terrell Libraries and Owen Science and Engineering Library and must be checked out with your Cougar Card.

At the Animal Health Library, the reserves are open for use in the library.

Checkout periods

Reserve items check out for short amounts of time ranging from 2 hours to 7 days. Many are only available for use in the library and may not be taken out of the library, so be sure to ask when you check out the item.


We might have the textbook for your class in our collection. The WSU Libraries don't usually purchase textbooks. However, we often have multiple copies of classic novels or studies commonly used as course readings and instructors frequently place copies of textbooks on reserve as well. If we do not have the book at WSU, you may be able to request it via Summit or InterLibrary Loan.


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