
I'm doing genealogical or historical research about the Pullman area. Can you help?

Answered By: Mark O'English
Last Updated: Apr 11, 2023     Views: 132

The Libraries are strongest on the history of WSU, but do carry numerous publications also relating to the history of Pullman and the Palouse.  Other resources of note here in the WSU Libraries include the Pullman Herald and the Daily Evergreen newspapers, as well as numerous smaller regional newspapers, all on microfilm (the Pullman Herald is digitized up to 1922; links can be found in our catalog).  Additionally, we hold the Bunchgrass Historian (a local history journal) and historical Fussers Guides (WSU campus telephone directories) and business directories in print formats, as well as early maps in both print and electronic formats.

There is also a Library Guide that provides information and techniques for researching the history of WSU. 


One of the best community resources for non-WSU historical material is the Whitman County Historical Society Archives, located in the Gladish Community Center.

Questions about personal information on living WSU students, staff, and faculty will need to be directed to the Registrar’s Office; see their guidelines for what they can/will answer.  Legal privacy issues limit what they can answer, particularly for materials dating from the 1970s forward.

For further help with WSU and regional history, contact either the History Librarian, or our Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC) department.

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